
Flag Football - schedules and notes

We will have practice this Sunday (11/30) from 11:00 to 12:30ish and Monday (12/1) after school.
Our first playoff opponent will be the winner of the Trevista/Waller game (played at Trevista at 3:45 on 12/2) at Slavens on Wednesday (12/3).  I would like to have  chance to see that game, but I have a fauculty meeting until 4:00. I highly recommend that some players watch that game if possible so we can see what we are up against.  If we win on Wednesday, we will most likely play Montbello again in the semis on Thursday with the championships on Friday at South.  The weather looks good all week, so I am assuming all the games will be played as scheduled.

Here's the link to the playoff bracket:

Game cancelled 11/18

Today's game has been cancelled and tomorrows game is tentatively scheduled for the Slavens field, but DPS is reserving the TJ field in case our field isn't playable.  We will need to organize a driving schedule to get our players over there since we will not have buses.  Please get in touch with me if you can drive and how many you can take.

(11/17) Monday - Practice (after school)
Tuesday - Game @ home
Wednesday - Game @ home
Thursday - Off (extra help)
Friday - Scout our first football game opponent (if we win on Monday and Tuesday) or Playoff game (If we lose one of our two games this week)

Thanksgiving week off (Monday - Friday) Practice on Sunday for sure.  Stay tuned for details.
I'm fair sure we will have a game on Monday (11/24) probably at home.

(From DPS)
Flag football will be cancelled tomorrow, Friday November 14th.

Here is the plan for next week/playoffs.

I am going to reschedule all the games for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The “must” be played games that may determine playoff seeding etc will be played with the highest priority in mind on all three days. If we can start the first round of playoff games and the weather cooperates, we will have 2-4 games on Friday, November 21st.

Here is the tentative schedule for next week:

Tuesday, November 18th

Lake @ Trevista
Hill @ Denver Green
Place @ Slavens
Kepner @ Henry
Grant Ranch @ Grant

Wednesday, November 19th

DCIS-MB @ Vista
Morey @ Henry
Greenwood @ Waller
Skinner @ McAuliffe
Roberts @ Slavens
Hill @ Hamilton

Thursday, November 20th

Moore @ Skinner
Denver West @ Merrill
DCIS-MB @ Greenwood
Vista @ MLK
Morey @ DCIS-Phoenix
Hamilton @ Place

We will have a practice on Friday in the gym from 6:50 to 7:50 on Friday.

All Football games are CANCELLED for today and tomorrow and the schedule has been updated to reflect that. We will wait and see about Friday games after tomorrow. We (DPS) are working a master plan to finish up flag football games that need to be played before starting playoffs and when that will happen. Stay tuned.

I talked to DPS athletics and their cut off temperature is around 40.  As a result, I am cancelling practice, but we will have at least one morning practice in the gym this week.  I am waiting to hear from Coach Weiss for the days that the gym is available.

Practice will be on Monday and Tuesday
Games Wednesday and Friday (both in division and Merrill is good)

McCaulliffe school is located at the Smiley

Dear Slavens Football Parents,
The Slavens flag football season is about to begin!  For starters I would like to tell you about the cut policy.  We only have room for 16 to 20 kids to play due to the number of jerseys we have and the amount of bus space we are allotted.  Of the 16 to 20 kids who play, playing time will not be equal and will be based on game situations.  All other players will have the option to come to practice, learn our system, and get better while not paying the $25 pay to play fee.
The coaches and I expect that all players will be available for all games and practices.  It’s a short season and for us to field a competent team we all must be in attendance.   Players must have cleats, mouth guards, physicals, and pay to play. 
The schedule is as follows:
10/13 Practice – 6:50 – 7:50AM Varsity only (walk through)
10/14 Practice – 3:10-4:40
10/15 Practice – 6:50 – 7:50AM Varsity only (walk through)
10/16 Practice – 3:10-4:40
10/17 Game @ McAulliffe 3:45 kick off
10/20 Practice – 3:10-4:40 (6th/7th at Slavens, 8th in San Diego)
10/21 Practice – 3:10-4:40 (6th/7th at Slavens, 8th in San Diego)
10/23 Practice – 3:10-4:40 (6th/7th at Slavens, 8th in San Diego)
10/28 Practice – 3:10-4:40
10/29 Game @ home (Hamilton) 3:45 kick off
10/31 Game @ home (Merrill) 3:45 kick off
11/3 Game @ home (Denver Green) 3:45 kick off
11/4 Game @ Hill 3:45 kick off
11/5 Game @ home (Montbello) 3:45 kick off
11/6 Game @ West 3:45 kick off
11/10 or 11/11 Practice TBD
11/12 Game @ home (Place)
11/14 Game @ home (Roberts)
We may need to have morning or lunch practices once the games start in order to make adjustments.

2014 Slavens Flag Football Roster

Will P
Jack P


Jackson R.
Henry J
Cameron O
Ethan K

Practice squad
(8) Peter M
(8) Dario S
(8) Ryan h
(7) Caden C
(7) Eli M
(6) Jack Scott
(6) Damian C
All other players are allowed to practice during the afternoon practices

2013 - 2014 
Route tree
There will be Football practice on Tuesday from 2:00 to 3:30 to prepare for our Wednesday game against Hamilton.  To make the playoffs we need at least one more win so please make every effort to attend practice.  We will be adding a new play or two as well.


I had a really hard time deciding who should be on the home/travel teams.  In the end, I decided to take 22 to away games.  There are NO guarantees that all players will play in a game.  Normally 12 to 14 boys play 80% or so of the minutes.  If paying the $25 pay to play fee and not having your child have get significant playing time will bother you, then please let me know and I will give you an honest assessment of the playing time anyone boy could expect to get.

Here is the schedule until playoffs:
10/9 practice 3:00-4:15  pm
10/11 practice 7:00-7:50 am (I totally understand if you don't come in the mornings)
10/16 practice 3:00-4:15 pm (Cuts made and posted following day)
10/18 practice 3:00-4:15 pm
SEA CAMP WEEK: (I can practice w/ 8th grade in SD.  Do you want 7th/6th to practice?)
10/21 practice 3:00-4:15 pm
10/23 practice 3:00-4:15 pm
10/28 practice 7:00-7:50 am
10/28 GAME HOME (Denver West)
10/30 GAME HOME (Merrill)
11/1 practice 7:00 - 7:45 (morning)
11/4 GAME AWAY (Place)
11/6 GAME AWAY (Hill)
11/8 Practice 7:00-7:50 am (morning)
11/12 Practice? Perhaps, stay tuned
11/13 GAME HOME (Hamilton)
11/14 GAME HOME (Roberts)

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