
Sunday, March 21, 2010

sub plans 3/22

It's amazing how the best laid plans can be unraveled. On Thursday our custodian ran over my microphone cord with the vacuum cleaner and it broke. As a result, I could not record what I was originally planning for the day and unfortunately you will have a more traditional substitute day. I am sorry.

1) Have a volunteer from each class check the homework.

2) On my desk there are two piles, one for 8th grade and one for seventh. Pass out the partner quiz (one per group). Students will take the partner quiz with the person that they normally sit next to. Students have as much time to finish the quiz as they need, although I doubt it will take the whole period. Once the group is done, they should turn in the quiz to the turn in slot (they know where that it)

3) After groups turn in the quiz, give each student the riddle work sheet that is under the quiz. Students can work in groups of two to finish it. Students should turn in the work sheets (even if they do not finish) at the end of class for grading.

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