
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Friday sub plans

Mrs. Costello,

The schedule for the day is on the 'dumb' white board.

1) Please have a volunteer from the first class take out the recycling bin.
2) Have both classes turn in their algebra sheets (to be graded by the student assistance last class)
3) Have the the student assistance (1st: Max, 2nd: Liam return last weeks algebra sheet)
4) Click on the warm-up below and display it for the students to do.
5) Once everyone is done, make sure the speaker is plugged in and the volume is turned up.
6) once students have had 10 minutes to work, play these videos that go over the problems
review of systems warm up 1
review systems of equation warm up 2
7) Pass out both work sheets (I think I left them on the chairs on the from table).
8) Play this video
review of systems of equations launch
Students should work in pairs, no more, on the sheets.  There will be 2 competitions for reward squares today between the classes so please make a note in your sub notes which class 1) had the most completed worksheets and 2) which class was the most curtious.
Students should keep their work and place it in the back cover of their portfolio folder.

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