
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Friday 8/19 sub plans

The schedule is on the board.
There are two changes.
First-the first 7th grade class ends at 10:55 and the other 7th grade class will come in and you start over again
Second-the class after lunch is going to be a team building exercise.  Talk to Ms. DuHoux for what she would like you to do.

Thank you for subbing today.
1) collect the parent letters
2) click on the image below and have the kids do the warm up
This is Fridays warm-up

3) play this video
4)I have launched the investigation and the kids should be good to go. The supplies are on the window sill. Play this video before they start.
twmm inv 1.1 launch
5) Do the investigation
6)once the students are done, play this summary video
twmm inv 1.1 summary
7) if kids finish early, they can start the next investigation. If needed you can play this launch video if needed

For the last period mathletics please show the video in the computer. This class should start at the beginning.

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