
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

pythagorean theorem problems discovering geometry

Chapter 9 chapter review:
putnagorean theorem discovering geometry problem 7

pythagorus special triangles 11 and 12
pythagorean theorem discovering geometry prob 4
pythagorus discovering algebra problem 13 and the start of 14
pythagorean theorem discovering geometry probm 15
pythagorus discoverying geometry problem 16 and 17
pythagorean theorem discovering geometry problem18
pythagorean theorem discovering geometry problem19
pythagorean theorem discovering geometry 20

Also helpful for problem 4:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Folks,
    Your Blog is so much helpful and i appreciate your efforts in this blog .All such topics as Pythagorean Theorem Examples and it's formulas that you have explained is quite helpful for beginner's .
