
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Disscussion Question Plus an Announcement

Tell us the last time you interacted with a quadratic relationship outside of the classroom.  How did your subconscious understand of quadratics help you or your misunderstanding hinder you?
 - Comments due by Tuesday

In addition, there is no homework due on Thursday.  Please check the algebra enrichment page for help on the algebra sheet.  All the videos we made in class are posted there.


  1. The last time that I interacted with a quadratic relationship out of class was during recess when I was playing pass with a football. My subconscious helped me to throw the ball directly to my target, by guiding the movement of my arm and release of football.

  2. I had a relationship with a quadratic relationship today during volleyball practice when I used the relationship to help guide my pass to my teammate so she could set.

  3. The last time I interacted with a quadratic relationship was when I threw the four square ball over to a friend. My subconscious used a quadratic relationship to know where to throw the ball to and at what angle to get to my friend.

  4. The last time I interacted with a quadratic relationship was when I was playing four square at recess and I had to pass the ball to the person in the first square when the ball was hit out. I subconsciously used a quadratic relationship to know how the throw the ball so that gravity wouldn't bring it to the ground before getting to my friend.

  5. The last time I interacted with a quadratic relationship was when I was playing four square at recess and I had to pass the ball to the person in the first square when the ball was hit out. I subconsciously used a quadratic relationship to know how the throw the ball so that gravity wouldn't bring it to the ground before getting to my friend.

  6. The last time I interacted with a quadratic relationship was when i jumped on a trampoline because i jumped high and then got back down and it mad a mountain shape. My subconscious told me to jump up and out then land down. I repeated this step over and over again.

  7. last time i used a quadratic relationship outside of class was at basketball practice, shooting free throws. my subconscious told me where to aim the ball and the shot made a curved dome shape.

  8. The last time I interacted with a quadratic relashionship was today during my swim team practice when we dove off the blocks. My subconsious told me to give myself enough power from legs to push me off the blocks making a parabola graph shape.

  9. The last time I interacted with a quadraticrelationship outside of class was Friday while playing four square. I had to get the ball to another square so I had to figure how force I needed for the ball to stay inbounds but go to the other players square.

  10. the last time i interacted with a quadratic relationship was when i was kicking a soccer ball. my subconscious instructed me to wind up and get my foot under the ball enough to get a curved dome shaped kick to my target, shaped like a Parabola Graph.
