
Friday, April 5, 2013

Mixed review due on Monday help

OK, It's been a long time since factoring let alone having to deal with factoring to solve fractional problems.  Here are all the help videos from chapter 5 (factoring) and chapter 6 (fractions).  If you click on the post, it will show you all the links, so please feel free to click here and enjoy.

Chapter 5
5-3   Monomial Factors of Polynomials
5 3 factoring gcm
 algebra 5 3 factoring gcm part 2
alg 5-3 examples
alg 5-3 examples 2
algebra 5 3 dividing poly by mono
algebra sheet 5 4 homework quiz 15 and 39
algebra 5 3 homework quiz 35 and 43
5-4   Multiplying Binomials Mentally
How to factor out the greatest common monomial 
alg 5 4 prob 5 pm
alg 5-4 prob 7 pm
alg 5 4 prob 13 pm
alg 5-4 prob 15 pm
alg 5 4 prob 25 pm
alg 5 4 prob 27 pm
alg 5 4 prob 33 pm
5-5   Differences of Two Squares
algebra 5 5 diff of squares examples
algebra 5 5 examples diff of square
algebra 5 5 diff of squares in action
5 5 homework quiz part 1 15 and 36
5 5 homework quiz part 2
5 5 homework quiz ec
5-6   Squares of Binomials
Expanding a binomial

Factoring a binomial
square binomial intro 
5 6 expanding a square binomial
5 6 factoring a square binomial
5 6 squares of binomials part 1
algebra 5 6 square binomials hwq 9 and 31
5 6 sq of bi hwq 41

5-7    Factoring Pattern for x^2 + bx + c, c positive
algebra 5 7 binomial pair of factors intro 1
5 7 binomial pair of factors 2
algebra 5 7 bi pair of fact example 1
factoring bi pair of factors combination part 3
algebra 5 7 hwq 9 and 27
algebra 5 7 hwq 36 part 2
algebra 5 7 hwq 48


5-8    Factoring Pattern for x^2 +bx + c, c negative
algebra 58 part 1
algebra 5 8 part 3
algebra 5 8 binomial pair of factors part 4
algebra 58 part 5
algebra 5 8 problem 6 bi fact pair

algebra 5 8 prob 24 bi fact pair
algebra 5 8 prob 30 bi fact pair
algebra 5 8 prob 45 bi fact pair and diff of squares in one problem
algebra 5 8 prob 53


alg 5 8 16 practice
alg 58 12 and 36 factoring review 2

5-9   Factoring Pattern for ax^2 + bx + c
Factoring for ax^2 + bx + c part 1

Factoring for ax^2 + bx + c part2

alg 5 9 prob 20
5-10   Factoring by Grouping
how to factor by grouping part 1

How to factor by grouping part 2
factoring gcm and diff of sq
 algebra 5-10 prob 9 and 15
algebra 5-10 prob 22
algebra 5-10 prob 30
algebra 5-10 prob 32algebra 5-10 prob 38

5-12   Solving Equations by Factoring
how to solve a quadratic expression part 1
How to solve a quadratic expression part 2

Chapter test form A:
algebra chapt 5 test form a prob 3
algebra chap 5 test form a hints for 6 8 11 and 12
algebra chapter 5 test form a prob 9
algebra chapter 5 test form a prob 13
algebra chapt 5 test form a prob 14
algebra chapt 5 test form a prob 15 and 16
algebra chapter 5 test form a prob 18 and 19
algebra chap 5 test form a prob 21

Chapter 6
6-1:   Symplifying Fractions
How to simplify polynomial fractions part 1
How to simplify polynomial fractions part 2
How to simplify polynomial fractions part 3  

6-3:   Dividing Fractions
Dividing Fractions part 1
Dividing Frtactions part 2
Dividing Fractions part 3 
How to find prime factorization  

6-4 Least Common Denominator

6-5 Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Polynomial Expressions

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