
Friday, September 13, 2013

SLavens meet still on!

The Slavens XC Invite is is on as of 8:00.  Consider the meet on unless otherwise told.

There is an app for race results so please look down for that information

The 6th grade starts at 3:45, 7th/8th B race at 4:15 and the A race at 4:30.

I have made a quick video going over the meet from when you get to the park to when leave the park including a map of the course with an explanation of the changes.  In the event of rain, we will go ahead with the meet and in the event of lighting we will ask you to get your team into your bus and wait until the lighting passes.  I hope that this will not be an issue.  Here is the link to the youtube video.

Please tell your runners to bring a dry set of clothes because they will get wet regardless of whether it is raining or not.  Harvard Gulch will be plenty full.

Again this year we will have Jamba Juice selling smoothies so please tell your athletes that bringing $5 to $6 would make sense.

We have over 1050 runners registered so the meet t-shirts will be given out in the A race only.  Everyone else will receive a finishers ribbon upon completion of the race.


Live results will be available and yes there is an app for that.  Here is all of the timing/results links.  Please pass this on to parents and runners.

Also here is the link where results will be.  F

feel free to encourage participants, family, friends of the event to get live results with our free app for iPod, iPad, iPhone, Android phones and devices.

The links to download the app are below or you can search the respective stores on Hallucination Sports for the free app.

Here is a link to the video for proper affixing the timing tag.  :

I look forward to seeing you all on Friday,

Kirk Framke

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