
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Schedule change

The interim took much longer than anticipated (there were more questions in particular the extended response) as a result we didn't get to what I had planned for today.  As a result, I will have the algebra sheet due for Monday not Friday although I still recommend that you take advantage of extra help today (Thursday).  To help you over the weekend, here are so help videos.  I will be adding more throughout today.

5-10   Factoring by Grouping
how to factor by grouping part 1

How to factor by grouping part 2
factoring gcm and diff of sq
 algebra 5-10 prob 9 and 15
algebra 5-10 prob 22
algebra 5-10 prob 30
algebra 5-10 prob 32algebra 5-10 prob 38
5-10 43 to 53 odd p. 226

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