
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Schedule change

The interim took much longer than anticipated (there were more questions in particular the extended response) as a result we didn't get to what I had planned for today.  As a result, I will have the algebra sheet due for Monday not Friday although I still recommend that you take advantage of extra help today (Thursday).  To help you over the weekend, here are so help videos.  I will be adding more throughout today.

5-10   Factoring by Grouping
how to factor by grouping part 1

How to factor by grouping part 2
factoring gcm and diff of sq
 algebra 5-10 prob 9 and 15
algebra 5-10 prob 22
algebra 5-10 prob 30
algebra 5-10 prob 32algebra 5-10 prob 38
5-10 43 to 53 odd p. 226

Monday, December 8, 2014

Homework due 12/4

ACE 2, 3, 23-28.

They are all on Edmodo

If you still haven't signed up for my class, here's the code: dju2fv

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Homework change

There is no ace due tomorrow (12/3) work on your algebra sheet.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Friday, November 28, 2014

This weeks flag football schedule

We will have practice this Sunday (11/30) from 11:00 to 12:30ish and Monday (12/1) after school.
Our first playoff opponent will be the winner of the Trevista/Waller game (played at Trevista at 3:45 on 12/2) at Slavens on Wednesday (12/3).  I would like to have  chance to see that game, but I have a fauculty meeting until 4:00. I highly recommend that some players watch that game if possible so we can see what we are up against.  If we win on Wednesday, we will most likely play Montbello again in the semis on Thursday with the championships on Friday at South.  The weather looks good all week, so I am assuming all the games will be played as scheduled.

Here's the link to the playoff bracket:

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Football Game @ TJ Today 11/19

If you contacted me about driving yesterday please meet us at 3:15 in the lobby.  I will be emailing you at my first planning period.

Investigation 2.5 for the students who were shadowing

You must watch these and come to class with notes:

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Football Game Cancelled Today 11/18

Today's game has been cancelled and tomorrows game is tentatively scheduled for the Slavens field, but DPS is reserving the TJ field in case our field isn't playable.  We will need to organize a driving schedule to get our players over there since we will not have buses.  Please get in touch with me if you can drive and how many you can take.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Monday football practiceon Monday AFTER SCHOOL

Monday - Practice
Tuesday - Game @ home
Wednesday - Game @ home
Thursday - Off (extra help)
Friday - Scout our first football game opponent (if we win on Monday and Tuesday) or Playoff game (If we lose one of our two games this week)

Thanksgiving week off (Monday - Friday) Practice on Sunday for sure.  Stay tuned for details.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

New football game schedule

(From DPS)
Flag football will be cancelled tomorrow, Friday November 14th.

Here is the plan for next week/playoffs.

I am going to reschedule all the games for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The “must” be played games that may determine playoff seeding etc will be played with the highest priority in mind on all three days. If we can start the first round of playoff games and the weather cooperates, we will have 2-4 games on Friday, November 21st.

Here is the tentative schedule for next week:

Tuesday, November 18th

Lake @ Trevista
Hill @ Denver Green
Place @ Slavens
Kepner @ Henry
Grant Ranch @ Grant

Wednesday, November 19th

DCIS-MB @ Vista
Morey @ Henry
Greenwood @ Waller
Skinner @ McAuliffe
Roberts @ Slavens
Hill @ Hamilton

Thursday, November 20th

Moore @ Skinner
Denver West @ Merrill
DCIS-MB @ Greenwood
Vista @ MLK
Morey @ DCIS-Phoenix
Hamilton @ Place

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Homework tonight

ace 2-4, 8-16 in the second section

Football practice

We will have a practice on Friday in the gym from 6:50 to 7:50 on Friday.

Football update

All Football games are CANCELLED for today and tomorrow and the schedule has been updated to reflect that. We will wait and see about Friday games after tomorrow. We (DPS) are working a master plan to finish up flag football games that need to be played before starting playoffs and when that will happen. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Grades Update

IC seems to be working now.  I have updated all classes and I will be posting grades once I input your GGG portfolio folders.  After that is done I will be passing out progress reports so please be patient when waiting for your grade.  Your algebra tests will be graded after the folders and will not be going on this terms grade report.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Football update

I talked to DPS athletics and their cut off temperature is around 40.  As a result, I am cancelling practice, but we will have at least one morning practice in the gym this week.  I am waiting to hear from Coach Weiss for the days that the gym is available.

Sub plans Wednesday 11/12

8th grade math (8-9, 10-11)

1) Do warm -up
2) Have students go over warm-up
3) Grade algebra sheet 5-3 (key is on the desk)
4) Read intro to inv 2.2 and do getting ready
5) Students do Inv 2.2 - have someone check in homework notes
6) Summarize Inv 2.2 (at least as much as they finish)
6a) pass out algebra sheet 5-5 (multiples of 3)
7) If there is time, start homework

FFPC Inv 2.2 overview
FFPC Inv 2.2 summary

Mathletics (study hall)

Friday, November 7, 2014

8F: Y46PSE
8Y: AXT59M

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Latest from the district in regards to our grading program (IC)


DoTS communicated recently that we are investigating the issues regarding IC slowness and connectivity.  DoTS has escalated this as our highest priority to resolve.  

We have implemented a number of changes and are gathering information to see if there has been a positive impact.  Based on the results of the data we are collecting, there is a possibility that we will need to take IC offline from close-of-business on Friday, November 6 through Tuesday, November 11.  We will communicate the finalized plan to you tomorrow (Friday).

We wish to communicate our sincere appreciation for your patience as we work through this difficult issue and apologize for the disruption this has caused in our schools.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Schedule change Please read

Since we have gotten off the homework assignment sheet, here's a new schedule:
day            classwork                                          homework that night
Wed           Inv 2.1                                                     ace 1, 50, 51 p. 30
thur            Algebra sheet                                           Algebra sheet 5-3
                  5-3 mult of 3
Fri              No class due to congressional hearings    Notes on video

Homework Due 11/5

5-3   Monomial Factors of Polynomials
Manditory viewing for homework
5 3 factoring gcm
algebra 5 3 factoring gcm part 2

Please pass on to your family:
Our grading program, IC,  has a major glitch in it that only allows teachers access intermittently (yesterday we had access to IC from 7:30 to 10:00ish).  The district has said that the fix requires the program to be off line for 3 to 5 days and they will be fixing it during Thanksgiving.  I (and all other teachers) will have a hard time updating grades during this time.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Football practice reminder

Just a reminder that practice tomorrow is after school. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Off to the airport

We are passing back phones and about to head for the airport. 

While you're reading this, it would be a good time to mention that due to the lack of football practices, we will hold practice on Monday and Tuesday next week. 

I'll post once we are on the plane. 

Tide pooling haul

This has been the best trip to the pools. I have never seen this many octos. Including a huge one. They are now trying to eat everything else in their buckets. We also have crabs, ghost shrimp. Blind gobe fish, California sea hares. And brittle stars

Best boogie boarding ever

This session of boarding was the best I've seen at sea camp. Props to lily Williams who was able to catch a wave and kneel on the boogie board then ride the wave in to the beach on her knees. 

We had a nice lunch on the beach and are now heading back to camp to pack. If time allows we'll be tide pooling after packing before we go to the airport.  

There'll be bunches of pictures from tide pooling so check back in an hour or so. 

As for now we are traveling back to camp. 

Pre boogie boarding at south mission beach

These two have been talking in a British accent nonstop for 30 minutes. Just had to share. 
I'm pretty stoked, we've never gotten to boogie board here. Normally we only go to la jolla because it protect so the surf is smaller. 
Lindsay wins shark, fish, alge and chooses the beach walk first!  It's like receiving the second half kick off. 

Oh it was so good watching the broncos will. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Sea Camp recap day 4

Group B: Boat trip

The fog that greeted us this morning came straight out with a scene more out of a Wes Craven movie not the Endless Summer we were hoping for.  The city and Fiesta Island were completely overrun a thick blanket of clouds and a light wind that hinted of a swell rolling in to test the fortitude of the sea camper’s stomachs.

Breakfast was the usual delicious affair with hash browns, eggs, and cereal.  Once our day bags were packed, team B shoehorned themselves into the familiar white and silver Sea Camp vans for the ten minute drive to the marina while group A prepared to live the experienced that group B had yesterday (minus the dolphin interactions).  Driving down Sea World Drive in the Sea Camp vans is always an experience every driver should have.  Between the vans size, maneuverability, and volume of noise and distractions, it’s a wonder that we ever get anywhere.  As a passenger there are so many things to see and hear, hum, what’s more entertaining, palm trees covered in fog or 8th graders singing and getting the words wrong?

Finally, we reached the marina and we trekked down the floating dock and onto the Sea Watch for the obligatory safety briefing.  Once all seat backs and tray tables were in there up right and lock positions and all carry-on luggage was securely stowed in the overhead bins or under the seat in front of us, the Sea Camp crew explained where all of the emergency exits were located (over the side of the boat once donning a life vest), that any unplanned feeding of fish (throwing-up) was to be done OVER the side of the boat, not the ships head, and that should the oxygen masks be deployed that you should place the mask your own face before assisting a small child, or someone acting like a small child.  Hum, I guess that would mean I would be the last one on the boat to get an oxygen mask.  The safety instructions were so interesting that a huge male sea lion came and popped his head out of the water to listen, pose for photos, wish us well, and remind us to write our parents frequently.  So far the winds didn’t change the marina’s water typically glass surfaces.  Perhaps things out past the breakers things wouldn't be bad.  

The first thirty minutes of motoring was uneventful unfortunately yet the staffs predictions of a mad dash to the gunnels didn’t happen either.  The ocean turned out to be calm, the benefit of foggy skys.  This season’s boat trips have yielded precious few animal sightings and at first we feared that the dolphins had performed so much for yesterday’s group that they would have nothing left to show us.  As luck would have it, a pod of common dolphins was spotted by the ships captain and in no time we had caught up with the pod who very kindly jumped and squeaked for pictures. When the captain rendezvous with a pod he slowed to their preferred bow surfing pace and chart a course that matches that of the dolphins.  The dolphins were headed in the opposite direction of intended trolling spot so after a short dolphin surf, we changed course and headed back to the mission bay channel.  Fortunately the marine layer had burned off by this time and we enjoyed cloudless skies for the rest of the day.
I have only trolled the channel on one other occasion and have been really exciting. The bottom scrapping net caught four California Spiny Lobsters, Calico Bass, Giant Kelp Fish, Pipe Fish, sand bass, string rays, and halibut.  After a brief description of the specific adaptations that have evolved to allow survival, the students were able to pet and hold everything that was liberated from the bottom of the sea.  Don’t worry, the lobsters behaved themselves.

After our half day boat trip we were driven up the 15% grade to the top of Mt. Soledad for some games and scenic views until our reserved time at the Scripps aquarium. 
The final night at the Sea Camp ranch is the bond fire.  Hopefully by this time everyone going to bed with bellies full of s'mores and minds full of memories.  Even though the boat trip wasn’t an epic whale adventure, the yield by the end of the day far exceeded our expectations.  The kids did great, learned a ton, and had the time of their lives.

Mountain view

Sea camp (fiesta island) from above.