
Monday, December 26, 2011

Mathletics Team Members Please Read

There is an oppurtunity to earn homework passes over break!  Go to the mathletics site for details.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thank you

I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the teacher gift.  I really appriciate it.  Our basement flodded last week and my wife and I weren't going to exchange gifts this year as a result.  With this gift I will be able to purchase her a present in secret. Thank you so much. 

Students please pass this post on the your parents.

Tebow miced clips

OK, For the international followers of this blog, Slavens is a kindergarten to 8th grade public school in Denver, Colorado. Denver is the epicenter for the Tim Tebow hype so please forgive these posts and just enjoy them.

Tebow miced 1
Tebow miced 2

Paper Tebow Orange
Paper Tebow Blue

Thursday, December 15, 2011

ALgebra test corrections due date

I am sorry that I haven't put any additional test questions on the blog. I had some meetings that prevented me from getting them done. Here is what I have and the corrections are due the first day after break. There will be a bonus if they are turned in tomorrow.

algebra chapter 5 prob 5 to 8
algebra chapter 5 test b 9 to 11 start
algebra chapter 5 test b 12 and 13
algebra chapter 5 test b prob 13 finish to 16
algebra chapter test b 17 to 19
algebra chapter 5 test b 20 and 21

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Recommendations sent part 3

Hannah (I sent this in the first lot)



Littleton IB

Friday, December 2, 2011

Recommendations sent part 2

Ian-written but not sent

St. Mary's

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Recommendations sent

These are the recs that have been sent today:
TJ Computer Magnet
Kyle H.


CA (online)

Valor (online)

The next group will be the private schools followed by Littleton IB

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Homework change for tonight.

Your ace has changed for tonight.  Here's the assignment.

Ace 23-28 and Evaluate these problems
1) evaluate for when x = -1 and when x = 12
x^2 + 4x -9

Friday, October 21, 2011

Homework This weekend

If you didn't pass the test, you are doing corrections over the weekend AND having your parents sign your test. I need them back on Monday. Please use your review packet and answers to help you.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

GGG Unit review answers

ggg unit review answers 2011

Campbell had to go to the DR. so I didn't get to blog 21 and 22 I'm sorry.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Homework due on Monday - NONE!

There is no homework due on Monday

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Congratulations Cross Country Teams!

The girls team finished an impressive 2nd in the district while the BOYS' WON THE DISTRICT TITLE!

Great job all runners. Dakota was 4th, Colin C. was 5th, and Kyle was 6th! To be honest, the girls finished far better then I thought they would with many gutsy runs. I am so proud of all of you.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Homework due 10/11

ace 21-23, 46, 47 p.38
If you already did it, then don't do it again

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

GGG Inv. 3 ace help

Here are some videos that might help:
Combining similar terms
combining sim terms

Investigation videos:
ggg inv 3.1 summary
ggg inv 3.1 summary 2
ggg inv 3.2 summary a
ggg inv 3.2 summary b to d

There have been no requested ace could be the first to request a problem tomorrow in class!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Slavens Parent/student - teacher conferences (Framke)

These are the students who should sign up for a conference with me. You will need your parents email address to sign up. Click the link above for the online sign up sheet.

Nick Miller
Ciara Coughlan
Stella Bispham
Joe Gurr
Sam Mattei
Marilyn Akomeah
Bathany Hawley
Audrey Payne
Christine Russ
Maura Winstanley
Sara Soltes
Emily Slotta
Kyle Hurd
Sophie Harding
Ian Suckle
Eva Good
Sam Smith
Cierra Oliver
Liam Kurz
Nathan Dominguez
Sara Holle

Thursday, September 29, 2011

sea Camp Day 4

2011 Sea Camp Day 4

The bright hot sun light that tore through the marine layer yesterday at Sea World struggled today when the marine layer blanket arrived this morning with reinforcements. The moisture hung over our heads like the human body project and with much effort we took leave of our beds and lethargically shuffled to the outdoor common area that doubled as the mess hall. The pace of the first three days just north of the border was visible on each half closed eye and threatened to force each sea camper back to the comfort of their bucks. If not for the savory aroma emanating from the kitchens, there would be no hope of waking in time for the much anticipated boat trip.

Dobby, Kreature, and the rest of the Sea Camp house elves out did themselves again when baskets of Danish, fried egg and cheese English muffins, and potatoes appeared from no where as if summoned. Ravenous, we ate more than our fill and hoped that our gluttony wouldn’t cause us to charge the gunnels of the Sea Watch at the first swell the way our classmates did yesterday. (I am relieved to report that as of the time that I am writing this we haven’t had even the slightest shade of green color the faces of group A.) Once the gear bags were packed, team A shoehorned themselves into the familiar white and silver Sea Camp vans for the ten minute drive to the marina. Unlike previous years we weren’t limited to the typically monotonous offerings on San Diego radio thanks to the Sea Camp staff who generously (perhaps a bit selfishly) had burned CDs for each of the vans, so we where treated to the 1980s classic cold war song 99 Red Balloons and the boys favorite classic rock anthem We Are the Champions (I’m hoping that this will be applicable to the cross country teams in ten days) so we disembarked the crab and shark vans feeling like we could wrestle a shark with our bare hands.

As we emptied onto the dock, gear bag in hand, the gloom caused everyone to utilize the often neglected hood of our standard 8th grade issued navy blue Sea Camp hoodies and we hoped that it wouldn’t obscure the sea life that was promised us. At least there was no prospect of rain since a rainy two and a half hour boat trip one way to Mexico’s off shore islands would test even the most enthusiastic Sea Camper. For the second year in a row we where greeted by, Phil the senior adult male California Sea Lion, who has been adapted into the Sea Camp staff. Phil has meet Sea Camps voyagers on the boat the Sea Watch so frequently that he has been now allowed to present the safety first demonstration from the harbour waters, and with help from the lovely Brandon, who modeled what everyone will be wearing in New York this season (an neon bright life vest) showed how to exit the boat in case of emergency. Once all the prerequisites were completed, we were off to explore the big blue.

At first the only nautical excitement was a US naval submarine. In reality sightings of exotic naval vessels can be a bad omen since they tend to scare sea life away. We all did have a laugh through when one student inquired if this is how the United States now patrols the maritime border between the US and Mexico. Fortunate for us, common dolphins show uncommon disregard for submersibles and came to join us for part of our motor through the border waters. Other sea life to view was few and far between until we saw a mola mola who then called to his friends the blue whales. We were lucky enough to chase a dozen blues for half of an hour just of the Coronado coast. The largest animals to ever live on planet Earth were feeding, swimming, and just plain frolicking for us until we realized that we must put them to the stern if anyone was to snorkel.

Once we arrived at the four islands that compose the Coronado Islands we were treated to an unexpected sea life. We had a chance to see so many things that in my short five years of coming to Sea Camp, today was my favorite day of snorkeling. Are you ready for this? Everyone got to see Orange ochre sea stars, orange, purple ochre sea stars. Bat sea stars, knobby sea stars, sea hares, Purple sea urchins, red sea urchins, octopus, brittle stars, lighting welks, sea snails, chitons, sea lions, harbor seal, (take a breath) garibaldi, opal eye, senerita, kelp bass, sheep heads, blacksmith (blue), navanax, and Hermit crabs. What a snorkel! But wait, that wasn’t the best part! The most memorable event of the dive was when I, Mr. Framke, caught a horn shark by the tail and dragged it kicking and screaming to the surface for everyone to pet. True story honest. I have never seen out outside of an aquarium let alone touch or catch one. What a thrill.

To finish our stay at the islands, the students challenged each other to a contest of king/queen of the raft. The teams were simple, boys against girls and you would think that Kyle (both), Ian, Brandon, Jared, Fabian, and Dylan would have no problem in holding their ground against Emma, Maura, Hailey, Melissa, Jemma, and Audrey, but you’d be wrong. In another Sea Camp first, I haven’t seen such a convincing defeat in king of the raft as I witnessed today! Again you’ll have to watch the video to believe it. The undisputed Queen was defiantly Audrey who was Beast! She will, she will, rock you!

As soon as everyone got back on the boat and changed, they were treated to chicken noodle soup and hot chocolate. Once the anchor was aboard we set off for home and there were naps all round. Another exciting fast paced and exhausting day at Sea Camp is in the books.

Until tomorrow…

Or so I thought.

Upon returning to camp, we learned that we were going to be the first group in Sea Camp history to go to the beach at night to watch the bio-luminescent red tide that has infected the shores around San Diego. At its height, the algae bloom when caught in breaking waves, will light up the ocean as if it were a pool with lights and you can see fish swimming in the back light. Unfortunate, there was too much ambient light coming from the city that was reflecting off of the clouds to see the fading red tide. We did get to see the bio-luminescent algae in the wet sand when you disturbed the sand by scuffing your feet. It looked like you were on the planet Pandora from the movie Avatar and the ground that you walked on would sparkle. Although we missed the this unique condition at its best, I am so grateful to Sea Camp for allowing us to experience an event that none of us have seen before.

Kirk and Kathy

Red Tide rolling into La Jolla

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sea Camp Day 3

This is our trip to Sea World.  In the morning, students had a lab and went sea kayaking.  Since all the the boats capsized, cameras weren't a good idea.  Oh well.  Enjoy the sea mammals and other critters.  Please pay particular attention to Kyle's dolphin encounter which he won as part of last years Slavens auction.  7th graders, make sure you tell your parents how much you would like to walk in Kyle's footsteps next year.  Also can you believe some of our students got to meet royalty!

Until tomorrow's boat trip,

Kirk and Kathy

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sea Camp Day 2

Greetings from Sunny San Diego! Well, sunny from the hours of 10 to noon between the moment the marine layer burned off until the instant returned. Don’t worry, despite the lack of rays we had a not so typical So Cal day. It all started in the fish lap (sorry, no pictures due to my camera eating batteries faster than a Slavens 8th grader wolfs down hash browns and eggs in the morning). First a trivia question, what smells better the combination of a baked bean dinner mixed with axe and Old Spice body sprays featured in the boy’s dorm or five day old Pacific Mackerel? The answer is…the boy’s dorm. Despite the pungent fishy odor emanating from the dissection victims the first presented to group A received a big wet hello kiss from Brandon. To come clean, I also kissed the fish and it wasn’t that bad as long as you exhaled the entire time. Once the welcome pleasantries were exchanged, students literally dove into the innards their subjects. We discovered that the inside of the Mackerels three gills was a pinky red color similar to the color of a sweet red watermelon, the heads partially detaches, and the guts when extricated are long and skinny not to mention an appetizing green color.

Did I hear someone mention appetizing? Nothing can be as appealing as a raw squid esophagus which Caden ate in its entirety. Yum! And that had to happen when my camera was dead. I have half a mind to ask him to do it again so I can get some video. Not to be out done, Jared sampled the Pacific delicacy of spiny lobster. Oops, I misread my notes, he ate Hagfish slime (mucus) which tastes like lobster. The Girl’s didn’t want to be out shined by the boys, so Jemma and Maura liked the keyhole lipid for good luck. To be honest, licking a lipid isn’t that gross. You’ll just have to trust me on this one.

After a quick hand wash and for a chosen few a mouth full of Scope, it was off to Mission Point for a picnic lunch, games, seining, and snorkeling part 1. The after lunch game was an extension of the fish lab called camouflage. In the game one person (first an instructor and then Duncan) would close their eyes and count to a number say 20 while everyone else hides, just like hid and go seek. After counting, the predator looks around and calls out to all the prey that they can see. If they the prey are visible, then they are caught. After the predators visual 360 degree visual sweep around the Mission Point Green. They then close their eyes and count to a smaller number then they counted to before. While counting, all the prey must run, tag the predator, and re-hides. As the amount of time given to hide decreases, more people get caught until there are one or two prey people left. Once Duncan preyed upon all of his classmates, it was on to suiting up for the water.

Watching students get into their wetsuits has been worth the trip to San Diego every year. Each time then don the 7mm of constricting neoprene, students can dress them self quickly, although there are always a couple of people who revel in the difficulty of the task. This year’s winner of the most entertaining wardrobe change goes to Bridget who meandered through group A asking for anyone to give her an “atomic wedgie”. Hannah was all to glad to oblige.

Once in the water, students saw many different kinds of sea life including a ‘huge’ octopus that inked on Brandon’s face. I would say that it was bad luck, first the fish kiss and then octopus ink, but he seemed to reveal in the experience. Other critters included sand dollars, fish, fish, and more fish, lipids, brittle starts, ocre sea stars, snails, and sea slugs.

After we extracted more ocean, I mean bay fun then seems humanly possible we headed back to camp for cell phones, basketball, and every ones favorite Sea Camp experience, cross country practice. Normally I wouldn’t mention the practice, but I had so much fun with the runners that came with me today. Kyle, Colin, Henry, Drew, Sasha, Hailey, Audrey, and Duncan ran about 3 miles around half of Fiesta island. We were running around and one of my favorite XC moments happened. I was running about ten feet behind the boys when spontaneously then just started to all sing. When does that ever happen which 8th grade boys? To make things more fun we were chasing sea gulls from the beach, but when we saw a Blue Heron, I know it required a different approach. I had the team line up on a tall sand bank about 30 feet from the waters edge and told them that there was a reward for the first person to tag the Heron. To my surprise they all sprinted down to get the Heron. Unfortunately no one realized that in between us and the bird was a fowl (pun intended) muck pit which claimed Colin’s shoe a foot down (he found it), caused Henry to slide on his rear end for 5 feet, and somehow turned Hailey’s face a shade of green brown I have never seen before. In spite of this, or perhaps because of this detour, we all had one of the most fun and memorable Sea Camp experience I can remember.

Enjoy tomorrow in land locked Denver. Tomorrow you are sure to receive the Sea Camp news that makes you long to be with us. Don’t forget to enjoy today’s slideshow on or

Monday, September 26, 2011

2011 Sea Camp day 1

Te first day at Sea Camp has been great.  We arrived in San Diego, unpacked, went boogie boarding, and found sea creatures in the tidal pools of La Jolla.  I could tell you more about it, but since a picture is worth a thousand words I will just let you see the action for yourself. 

Once you've started the slide show, click on the four arrowed icon in the bottom right corner for a full screen view of the pictures.  Enjoy the slide show from the first day.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

John Lynch Coach of the month award

There is a new award presented through the John Lynch Foundation for coach of the year.  Just in case you would like to nominate anyone, here is the web address for nominations:
Just wanted to throw this out there.
Kirk Framke
3000 S. Clayton St.
Denver, CO 80210
In five years the cross country team has grown from less than 10 runners to 50 runners in a middle school with approximately 150 middle school students.  Slavens girls have won the district title three times during these 5 years.   In addition to growing the cross country team, in only four years, the Slavens XC Invitational has become the largest middle school only athletic event in the Denver metro area if not the state with over 850 runners from 45 different schools from four counties. 
Links to the Denver Post pics:
Other Slavens XC Invite media:
Other Framke media from this year:

Homework Assignment sheet 9/20 to Sea Camp


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Jamba Juice

Don't forget that Jamba Juice will be at the cross country meet ($4)

XC Invitational info

Please arrive at Harvard Gulch by 2:30.  Volunteers (and runners) should find Ms. DuHoux who will be at a table near the driveway into the rec center.  Please park along Logan NOT Ilaff.


2:30 arrive at Harvard Gulch

3:10 Mandatory coaches meeting (by finish line)

3:30 6th grade boys start (everyone must be at the finish line for pictures and superintendents welcome remarks)

3:33 6th grade girls start

3:45 7th/8th grade boys start (A race)

3:48 7th/8th grade girls start (A race)

4:00 7th/8th grade boys start (B race)

4:03 7th/8th grade girls start (B race)

4:45 Awards

5:00-5:15 Depart

I will be letting the runners know which start time they have once we are at the park as a team.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Math Homework for the next two days

I have been swamped by the cross country invitational and haven't gotten to make the assignment sheet.  So, your homework for tonight is to work on the review sheet.  The test is on Wednesday! and your folder is also due Wednesday.

On a side note, There is no extra help this week.  The next extra help is on Tuesday 9/20

Monday, August 29, 2011

Homework change for tonight.

I didn't get my act together to give you a review sheet, so your homework tonight is to try at least 6 problems from the algebra sheet so that you can ask questions if needed earlier then Thursday night.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

TWMM Inv 2 ace help

My microphone has died and I have ordered a new one, so in the meantime I will not be able to create videos with sound. I'm sorry. Here is the one ace video I have for this investigation.

twmm inv 2 ace 35 and 36

Thursday, August 18, 2011

No homework due Friday 8/19!

Just for checking the blog you have no ace homework!  Please get your gmail account set up, view the how to post video and post a comment to it AND get your parent letter signed.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Friday 8/19 sub plans

The schedule is on the board.
There are two changes.
First-the first 7th grade class ends at 10:55 and the other 7th grade class will come in and you start over again
Second-the class after lunch is going to be a team building exercise.  Talk to Ms. DuHoux for what she would like you to do.

Thank you for subbing today.
1) collect the parent letters
2) click on the image below and have the kids do the warm up
This is Fridays warm-up

3) play this video
4)I have launched the investigation and the kids should be good to go. The supplies are on the window sill. Play this video before they start.
twmm inv 1.1 launch
5) Do the investigation
6)once the students are done, play this summary video
twmm inv 1.1 summary
7) if kids finish early, they can start the next investigation. If needed you can play this launch video if needed

For the last period mathletics please show the video in the computer. This class should start at the beginning.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First homework assignment sheet

This assignment sheet is still accurate. (8/20)

How to post a comment on this blog

Click on link below
how to post a comment

Once you have created a google account, please comment to this post.  You comment can be as simple as it worked.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Missing Books List

Here are the students who are missing books.  Each book is $10 and your grades will not be released until the fine has been paid or you return the book to the office.

Austin Berry: Thinking with Math Models
Ainsley Boren: Say it with Symbols,
Halie White: Say it with Symbols, Shapes of Algebra (2 books)

Spencer McPhail: Say it with Symbols
Juan Soto: Say it with symbols

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sub Plans Wednesday

I'm sorry that I am not her on our first constructed drawing day.  You should still be able to start via videos.  There are 2 rules that must be followed ALWAYS
1) You my only draw a line or an arc with a compass or a ruler.  NO freehand drawing.
2) You may only draw a line that connects two points of intersection. No drawing a line because you think it looks right.

These drawings are graded at the beginning of following days class, so you are turning these in and they do count.
10 points- best in class
9.5 points- correctly constructed with additional constructions
8.5 points- correctly constructed and colored nicely with the use of a rule on the edges
7.5 points- correctly constructed not colored (exactly like the example)
6.5 points- not correctly constructed

Your first drawing is of a cube with a corner taken out.  The example is in the top left corner of the video.
Here are the how to videos.  You are going to have to pause the video as the students follow the instructions.  Try not to move to the next step until everyone has successfully gotten their drawing to look like the one on the screen.

Good luck!
cd cube part 1
cd cube part 2

This is how the drawing go.  We find one hidden line together an the rest is up to you to figure out.  Once your drawing is completed, feel free to get your markers from your locker to color.  You can also add a smalled cube inside the missing corner for the 9.5.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Homework assignment sheet

OK, here we go...
I am not making an assignment sheet from here to the end of the year.  Instead, I am going to give you a list of work in the order that we will do it as soon as the alegebra test is complete.  Your homework until the test will be work sheets.

1) 2 days of end of the year portfolio work
2) Constructed drawing 1: Cube
3) Constructed drawing 2: interlocking triangles
4) Constructed drawing 3: Interlocking squares
5) Constructed drawing 4: Octoburst
6) Constructed drawing 5: 5-pointed star (hard)
7) Constructed drawing 6: You choose a new pattern to figure out from a pattern book
8) Constructed drawing 7: Final project

For the constructed drawings you will need a pencil (machanical will wokr best) and a ruler (all of mine are gone, so you must provide them).  I have cheap compasses from yur supply packs, but if you have a nice one, you should bring it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Shapes of algebra unit review answers


Sorry about the issue with the previous post. I have created a video that scrolls through the 27 pages of answers. Feel free to scroll through and pause the video as needed.

shapes of algebra review sheet answers

Level 1: solving inequalities
Level 2: converting linear standard form equations into slope-intercept form equations and vice versa
Level 3: Graphing inequalities
Level 4 and 5: application of systems of equations + solving by graphing
Level 6: solving systems of equations without graphing

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Friday sub plans

Mrs. Costello,

The schedule for the day is on the 'dumb' white board.

1) Please have a volunteer from the first class take out the recycling bin.
2) Have both classes turn in their algebra sheets (to be graded by the student assistance last class)
3) Have the the student assistance (1st: Max, 2nd: Liam return last weeks algebra sheet)
4) Click on the warm-up below and display it for the students to do.
5) Once everyone is done, make sure the speaker is plugged in and the volume is turned up.
6) once students have had 10 minutes to work, play these videos that go over the problems
review of systems warm up 1
review systems of equation warm up 2
7) Pass out both work sheets (I think I left them on the chairs on the from table).
8) Play this video
review of systems of equations launch
Students should work in pairs, no more, on the sheets.  There will be 2 competitions for reward squares today between the classes so please make a note in your sub notes which class 1) had the most completed worksheets and 2) which class was the most curtious.
Students should keep their work and place it in the back cover of their portfolio folder.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Last Homework Assignment Sheet Ever?

Fill in your charts and this is the last assignment sheet you will ever get from me.
Homework due Tuesday (I posted the wrong sheet this morning): 9-12, 16-20 last ace section

Monday, April 11, 2011

Shapes of Algebra ace help inv 4

soa inv 4 prob 51-55
soa inv 4 prob 59
soa inv 4 65 and 66

For # 20, all you do is to substitude y in for x so you get
7y - 2y = 5
5y = 5
y = 1
Since x = y, then x also = 1
the lines cross at (1,1)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Shapes of Algebra inv 3.2 summary and algebra help

shapes inv 32 summary

Ace help
sa inv 3 ace 28 to 32 evens

Algebra help:
alg  9 5 prob 17 and 23
There is an error in the above video, the answer to the last problem should be negative!
alg 9 5 mr 7 and 9

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pi day Pi baking Contest Rules and Rubirc

Just a reminder, if you want to eat pie on Pi day (3/14) then we need pies brought in on Pi day.  Donated pies can be store bought.  Pi baking contest pies must be homemade.

Here are the rules:

Pi Day Baking contest Rules and Procedures:
1)      Pies must be home-made (pre-made crusts are acceptable)
2)      Students must participate in the making of the pies.  No parent only made pies
3)      Pies must be delivered to the students’ homeroom by 7:25 on Monday 3/14
4)      If there is dairy in anything other than butter, please make a note of it on the top
5)      If pies are diabetic friendly (no sugar) please note that on the top of the pie
1)      Pies will be checked into homerooms by 7:25 with this form signed my both the student and the parent.
2)      At that time, a numbered sticker will be stuck to the bottom of the pie and on this form.  Students must keep this form with the number.
3)      Student council representatives will taste pies from a homeroom and judge each pie (see below for pie tasting rubric) before school starts.
4)      Student council judges will determine the top two entries from each homeroom and those eight pies will be taken to the middle school teachers for final judging.
5)      The final judging will take place at 11:45 and will follow the same judging rubric.
6)      The eight finalists and the over-all winner and runner-up will be announced at 11:45 during the Pi day awards presentation.
7)      The winner will have the chance to throw a whipped-cream pie in Mr. Framke’s face, acknowledgement in the middle school news letter, and possible additional prizes.
Appearance:    10 points each
            Pre-slice score (Includes consistency of crust or topping)
After slice score (based on degree of appropriate runniness, juiciness or firmness)
Crust:              10 points
            (Flaky or mealy)
Filling:             10 points each
1)      Impression of the first taste. Strength and balance of flavor appropriate for type of pie; balance of sweet and/or tartness. 
2)      Peripheral flavors should be balanced with main ingredient of pie),
3)      Mouth Feel (appropriate consistency, i.e. thick, thin, smooth, creamy, chalky, mushy, runny, dry, sticky, etc.), Crust (flaky or mealy)
4)      Aftertaste (pleasant or unpleasant).

Overall Impression:     10 points
 Impressiveness, Creativity (based on originality).


Pie #

I ________________________ agree to the rules of this contest.
            (Student name)

            (Student signature)

            (Parent signature

                        10    9    8    7    6    5    4    3  2   1
Pre-slice score

Post-slice score


Impression of the first taste

Peripheral flavors

Mouth Feel


Overall Impression

Total Score: